Behind The Scenes: WV Cryptids Field Trip to a Little General Store

It was an overcast September day and two cryptids lurked around the Trans-Allegheny Insane Asylum. From the darkness of the asylum, The Mothman and Flatwoods Monster emerge. But don’t worry, this isn’t a scene for a scary movie – but the opening of the latest Little General Store commercial!

We had a little extra fun with our latest cryptid-themed commercial. We filmed the monsters’ trek to their closest LG store in Weston, WV to fill up on Mountain Dew and pepperoni rolls (naturally). LG partnered with JJN Multimedia, The Trans-Allegheny Asylum, Andrew Smith of the Flatwoods Monster Museum and Liz Pavlovich (who played our Mothman).  Also, shout out to the folks at the Weston Little General Store for being good spots and even making a few cameos in the commercial.

Check out some of these fun behind-the-scenes from the shoot along with checking out the commercial!
