Beasley, Darby to be Honored with Spirit of Beckley Award

The 32nd Annual Spirit of Beckley Community Service Award will be shared by CEO Cory Beasley and President Greg Darby of Little General Stores honoring their community efforts involving a number of local and national organizations, such as the YMCA of Southern West Virginia and athletics at WVU Tech. The award recognizes people striving to create a better place to work, live, and play. The YMCA of Southern West Virginia’s CEO Jay Rist stated in a recent article, “We felt the owners, Beasley and Darby, were perfect candidates, and we were very pleased to have them accept the recognition.”

According to the YMCA of Southern West Virginia website, the award is given to individuals who have selflessly worked to enrich the area creating a positive impact in the lives of residents. The inspirational recognition comes privately without notice. Those selected become a cornerstone for the Spirt of Beckley, which serves as the annual fundraising campaign for the YMCA of Southern West Virginia and all proceeds go towards supporting the Y’s Youth Programs.

Beasley and Darby acquired Little General Stores in 1999. During this time, Beasley and Darby had worked for the previous owners of the company for a combined total of 25 years and were heavily involved in day-to-day operations. Since their acquisition, the company now operates well over 100 locations in West Virginia, Virginia and Ohio, and is a fuel distributor for BP, Exxon, Sunoco, Marathon, and Shell. Little General Stores also acts as a franchise and operator for several branded food service operations including: 30 Subways, 16 Godfathers Pizzas, 13 Arbys, 11 Sam’s Hot Dog Stands, 8 Burger Kings, 5 Taco Bells, 3 Dunkin’ Donuts, and 2 Steak Escapes.

A kick-off breakfast is currently scheduled at the Historic Black Knight Municipal Park on Tuesday, November 5th, when each of the fundraising teams will plan the fundraising efforts and call on local businesses to donate to the cause. According to Rist, the fundraising goal is currently set at $100,000.00. The 32nd Spirit of Beckley Dinner honoring Beasley and Darby is set for Monday, December 9th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Beckley-Raleigh County Convention Center.

For more information about the 32nd Annual Spirit of Beckley Community Service Award, visit
